KAC Oregon asks for continued support

Saehee Hong 12/13/2015 18:27 Read : 906

Despite KAC Oregon being relatively young compared to other chapters, they were able to have regular monthly socials, to have been part of various Korean community events, to have hosted a career Q&A session, and to have organized Portland's first Korean Food Festival with much support from the community. For next year, they have newly elected Samuel Kim as President, Young Kim and Anna Choe as Vice Presidents, Grace Lee as Secretary, and Ty Chance as Treasurer. New board members are Ty Chance, and Dennis Kim. They will encourage civic engagement for the 2016 Presidential Election to bring out more Korean voters. They need volunteers who are interested in civic engagement work such as voter registration and voter education. They are also planning a Korean Food Festival tentatively in late August. KAC Oregon emphasized that community help is crucial for them. For the committee of Korean Food Festival Planning, they are looking for those who love Korean food or just want a fun experience of planning and organizing. There are still upcoming events this year that need support. On December 17th there will be a Networking Social at Suki's Bar and Grill, 2401 SW 4th Avenue, Portland, OR 97201, at 6:30 pm. At this event, they will help homeless people by collecting new socks and small toiletries that they can use to shower. If anyone prefers to donate cash to the cause, they will be collecting cash to be donated as a group. On January 23rd 2-4 PM at PSU, KAC Oregon and KAHPA, Korean American Health Professional Alliance, are jointly holding a career counseling day for current college and graduate students and recent graduates. It is open to everyone. If anyone is interested in being a mentor or participating in the event, please email kacoregon@gmail.com.

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