55 People Benefits from Application to Citizenship Event

Jung Hyun Park 12/20/2015 01:28 Read : 932

KAC-WA (Korean-American Coalition in Washington State), which is the only Korean organization in the United States that consists of both the 1st and 2nd generation Koreans, collaborated with an immigrant organization, 'One America' and held an event at ACRS (Asian Counseling and Referral Service) in Seattle to assist Koreans apply for citizenship. 55 people from this event have benefited. 

Lead by KAC-WA, several organizations such as KABA (Korean American Bar Association), Korean Community Service Center, Korean Women's Association, and Federal Way Korean American Association came together to support this event. Because there were more applicants than expected, some people had to return without being able to receive the benefit. 

President of KAC-WA, Joon-woo Lee said, "We did not expect this many people would come. It was an event to help people apply for citizenship directly, so we expected about 40 people to come. We are so grateful that the people who were benefited from the event were thankful, but we are also sorry for the people who came but could not receive help from this event." 

KAC-WA provided convenience for those who do not speak English by hiring 50 bilingual volunteers to help out in this event. 

In prior to this event, KAC-WA have received fervent responses by leading an establishment of regulation for election guide book in Korean language and hosting a mentoring event for the students at the University of Washington.


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